
The Sculpture of Eugene Lanceray and its Influence.

Author: Geoffrey Sudbury - with particular thanks to my wife, Rachel. How this research began: During my wartime and civil service careers, I was posted to York, Cambridge, London, Paris, Washington DC and finally Cheltenham where I have spent most of my retirement since 1986.  Throughout these years, I visited a large number of exhibitions in national and other major museums in order to study both the exhibits and the archives. Amongst other interests, it gradually dawned on me that in England at least, there were very few exhibitions of Russian fine and applied art, and that English curators had scant knowledge of it. They could not , for example, identify a high quality Russian bronze statuette which had caught my eye and about which I had enquired. This work was in a Gloucestershire antique shop, was 61 cm high, signed in Cyrillic by the artist - Eugene Lanceray and had been bought by a collector, without provenance. The mystery surrounding this masterful work was suffic...